When Greg and Vic set up State 11, Spalding's specialist injury and pain clinic, to help people struggling with muscle, joint and nerve pain, we quickly started to discover just how many people are struggling with their emotional health.
So Vic trained as a therapist, specialising in helping people recover from anxiety and fears, at Fantastic Day.
But whether it was through State 11, or Fantastic Day, people with skin problems kept contacting us.
Could we help with painful acne or psoriasis?
Could we help with eczema or musculoskeletal pain without our premier RAPID manual therapy?
These conditions weren't just painful, they were causing shame and embarrassment, negatively affecting people's mental health.
This was especially noticeable in children and teenagers, who didn't yet have the confidence or resilience to deal with the comments, bullying or stares that come with severe acne or psoriasis.
But many adults found it just as difficult, especially when combined with anxiety or depression.
So we started to look for a solution.
After lots of research, we discovered how much LED Phototherapy can help with skin conditions like acne, psoriasis and reddening - way more than the "beauty" treatments of skin rejuvenation and wrinkles that it was known for.
We learnt about how there are specific wavelengths - it's not just "blue light" - it's "blue light at 415 nanometers". It's not just "red light" - it's "red light at 633 nanometers". And it's not just "near infrared light", it's "near infrared light at 830 nanometers".
We were horrified to discover that there were so many consumer devices that operated at the "wrong" wavelengths, meaning that they were merely expensive placebos.
We learnt how the Dermalux Flex MD uses the most scientifically tested and studied wavelengths to treat these conditions, and were stunned by the results that have been achieved with this FDA approved device.
We also discovered how incredible pure HOCI could be in treating so many skin conditions - and a bit confused as to why it wasn't more well-known!
We read about how some HOCI products came with other, unexpected, chemicals, and decided we didn't like that much, so we searched for a pure HOCI product we could trust, and that's when we found HYPO21.
With LED By Light, we use our incredible Dermalux Flex MD device and HYPO21 to help people feel comfortable in their skin again.
If you or a loved one are struggling with your skin, whether it's embarrassing and disfiguring acne or painful reddening and psoriasis, we can help you.
You can call us on 07788 287098 or book online using this link, today!
How well does our Dermalux LED light therapy work? We think these pictures speak for themselves - but remember, you'll need multiple appointments in a short period of time to achieve these results. Click here to find out more about how treatment works.